About Us



Here at First Baptist Church Collins, we believe that God created everything (Genesis 1:1-2:7); that Jesus Christ is His Son who was born of a virgin and died for us to save us from our sins, was resurrected on the third day from the dead, and is the only way to get to Heaven (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-23, Matthew 17:5, John 20:1-20, John 19); that when we become a Christian we receive the Holy Spirit that is God living within us (John 16:7-14, Acts 1:8); and that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is absolute truth (Psalm 119:89, John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3:15-17). We use the Bible as a guide for how we are to live, act, and for what we are to do as a Christian (Deuteronomy 17:19, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 119:105). The following are other things that tell about who we are as a church:

~We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to share Jesus Christ with and minister to as many people as possible in our church, our community, and our world.

~We are a body of believers that participates in worship together where we experience God's presence and seek His guidance obediently.

~We desire to help people grow in faith and knowledge of God to become closer to Him.

~We desire to be more like Chirst every day by showing and modeling total commitment of our lives, actions, and possessions to Him.

~We are a people of prayer.

~We desire to be a church where messy, broken people will find a loving, life transforming God.

Here is a link to the Baptist Faith and Message which explains in more detail what we believe:



Contact Us:

Mailing Address

PO Box 997
Collins, MS 39428

Physical Address

303 South 4th Street
Collins, MS 39428

(601) 765-6279